Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Friday, May 20

Yesterday afternoon, Katherine asked if she could stay out later than usual to help her friend, Bernadine, fix a supper of cooking bananas while Bernadine's mom and dad were still in the garden. Bernadine doesn't have the use of her legs, so she scoots around yet manages to still be quite helpful to the family.

I loved that my Katherine wanted to be a good friend and help out with the peeling, chopping, and fire making. Bernadine's cousins Sylvia and Jaden were in the kitchen, too. When I walked down to check on the kitchen crew, I found lots of smiles.
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God knew that Aaron and I both desperately needed an “introvert day.” We woke up to sustained straight line winds and spits of rain. I sat on the porch holding my coffee and Bible, watching a thin little stream of water going into each rain tank, and enjoying being a little bit cool! All morning long, the weather was rough, but Aaron and I slowly refilled a little bit as we quietly went about our work.
Benjamin checked the tanks for us so we could see how much rain accumulated in the tanks. Once again, we have our “daily rain.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your posts are always such a blessing to me. I can just sense the dependence on God and your sweet spirit, simply waiting and believing God has it under control. I love you all.
Blessings, and many prayers, Ava