Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Change of Plans

When Aaron went down to the wharf this morning, he couldn't find the Penzella.  This ship is a new one to us, but the crew told Aaron it would be leaving on Tuesday evening to go to the Russells.  Evidently, the boat needed repairs!  But he did hear some rumors that a couple of other ships might be going our direction this coming weekend.  He called me with an update, then walked around the wharf to find one of those ships.

He found the Kosco and learned that the boat plans to leave on Wednesday night.  Sometimes it feels like we are being jerked around.  First Tuesday, then Saturday, then Wednesday.  My husband is the best at flexibility, and I'm doing the best I can to make sure he has the supplies he needs for a week-long solo trip out to Marulaon. 

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