Sunday, May 3, 2020

While it certainly requires more work to empathize with those whose journeys differ from our own, it isn't impossible.  It simply requires our effort and a real desire to learn.  We may have to look more carefully, expand our worldview, open our ears and homes and hearts, but we can empathize with others, regardless of our differences. 

One of my favorite things about living and working in the Solomon Islands?  Rubbing shoulders with people whose passports originate in a variety of countries.  Not only do we get to share life with people who call the Solomon Islands home, but we also weave our lives together with those who call Australia, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and New Zealand home.  We learn so much as we share meals, stumble over cultural differences, ask for forgiveness, raise kids together, and repeatedly say, "What is this like in your home?"  We grownups are slow, but my third culture kids slide into an easy understanding as we "open our ears and homes and hearts".

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