Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Solo Trip to Marulaon

"These flexible thinkers enjoy taking an unconventional approach to many aspects of life. They often seek out unlikely paths, mixing willingness to experiment with personal creativity." ~16personalities   

If you look up my hubby's INTP personality, these are some of the first words you will read.  His flexibility and personal creativity make him the perfect candidate to assemble all of the constantly changing pieces of the village puzzle into something productive and meaningful.  His trip last week including changing ships at the last minute, waiting for a drum of petrol that finally arrived on the day before he left, tracking down motor canoes to replace the ones that should have shown up, discerning stewardship of time vs. money, all while navigating different personalities and cross-cultural situations.  In eight days.

The Lavukaleve Translation Team continues to inch its way through Matthew in preparation for a consultant check.  Aaron also made some good contacts with people in the other communities and in higher levels of the church organizational network.  And he worked on completing our sparse inventory from our unexpected and hurried departure.  His quick trip was fruitful, and we're so thankful for the team of people around the world that supports and encourages this translation project.

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