Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sweet Sabbath

"A true community is something you'll have to fight for.  You'll have to fight to get one, and you'll have to fight to keep it afloat.  But you fight for it as you bail out a life raft during a storm at sea.  You want this thing to work.  You need this thing to work....This is the reason those small house fellowships trive in other countries:  they need each other.  There are no other options."  ~John Eldredge, "Waking the Dead"

Soooo...last week didn't go quite as planned.  Not for Aaron, who is Mr. Flexibility, and not for the girls left at home.  I'll save Aaron's story for another time, but my week consisted of fighting Giardia critters and watching my girls and my SITAG colleagues pick up all of the pieces.  Olivia cooked and kept laundry going while I was bedridden, my teammates picked up extra produce at the market and checked on me regularly.  Ten pounds and five meds later, I'm feeling much better.  The girls and I went out to celebrate yesterday morning.  We celebrated their endurance, my recovery, and our community.  In addition, Aaron finally made it home this evening.  One more reason to celebrate.

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