Sunday, May 10, 2020

Weekend Wonders

"In our always-connected digital world, many of us have become accustomed to the idea that we are the architects of our days.  We make our appointments and set our schedules, all the while kvetching that we're just too busy.  Our overscheduled lives proclaim to the world and ourselves that, really, we're super indispensable people....I'd like to suggest that our watches and DayTimers and Google calendars are not the measure of our worth.  We who belong to Jesus understand (at least in our heads) that we are not our own.  Our eternal God has given us this slice of eternity, right here and now, in which to live for and with him."  

This is not how we thought we'd be spending the week.  Our calendars said we had flights booked to Brisbane last Thursday and eye appointments on Friday.  I was supposed to be spending Mother's Day with my mom in Australia.  But when I look back at how last week unfolded, I see some other sweet memories that showed up instead.  On Monday, we observed "May the 4th" with an epic light saber battle and Princess Leia hair dos. 

Wednesday at lunch, SITAG held a pizza party to celebrate the six Honiara May birthdays.  So many different fun kinds of pizza as the moms somehow found time in their busy mornings to bake around small children and school and laundry and all of the many other things clamoring for attention.  The mamas around here amaze me with their energy and joy.  Celebrating all of the different personalities that God created was so much fun!

Aaron attended an all day Advisory Committee meeting on Thursday, and we attempted to hold a porch watch party for the Flower Moon on Thursday evening.  The Chinese Chicken Wraps were delicious, but the clouds disappointed us as they hid the moonrise.  Olivia and Katherine finished up Week 4 in their school curriculum on Friday.  And yesterday, my girls attended one of their SITAG "cousins" birthday party.  When Aaron went to the wharf to check on ships bound for the Russells, he found the Kosco filling its hold with an anticipated departure of Tuesday night.  So, he's hoping for a solo trip this coming week.  Although we often act as if we are the "architects of our days", we're constantly reminded that God has some sweet things in store for us that we didn't plan or anticipate.

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