Thursday, May 14, 2020

God's calendar

When you read, "All the days ordained for me were written in [God's] book before one of them came to be," think "God knows my calendar and God knows me."  The world translated ordained is the same word as that used in Genesis when it says God fashioned or formed man out of the earth.  It's not just that he knows our days in terms of how many, but it's the idea of being uniquely fashioned.  We have a divine design that reminds us we're tailormade by God for his glory and our good.  He sees the end from the beginning, and he uniquely gifted you and me for our special contribution. 

Aaron has been trying to get back out to the village for several weeks, but the boats just aren't cooperating on our timetable!  That means I still get my walking buddy each morning.  A couple of ships are suggesting they might possibly maybe go out to the Russells on Saturday.  I need the sweet, constant refrain of "God knows my calendar, and God knows me."

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