Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Braids and Bugs

I discovered something this morning.  Taking the time to braid my two little girls' hair pays off big dividends.  Katherine's primary love language is physical touch; Olivia's is quality time.  Katherine prefers "plain braids"; Olivia prefers "French braids".  Braiding their hair fills up each of their tanks, leaves them feeling beautiful and "twirly", and gives me some sweet Mama time, too.  Our morning always, always goes better when I've braided their hair.

Each school morning, we take a little walk from our current SITAG house to the Educational Resource Center (ERC).  The ERC houses the keyboard where our kids take turns practicing piano, so we spend the first two hours of every school morning up there.  On the way up the hill, Katherine and I found an old fence covered in a morning-glory-like vine with little white flowers.  Every morning we find bees and other insects buzzing inside the flowers, so today I brought the camera.  Katherine took this picture:


The dB family said...

Very pretty! I love sitting and braiding the girls' hair. I'm not sure if it fuels any of their love tanks, but it does fuel mine. :o)

Herding Grasshoppers said...

I love the thought of you braiding their hair in the morning, and the walk past the flowers too.

Enjoy the peaceful moments in the midst of life :D


Leslie said...

What a sweet discovery about braiding hair. Don't you love that there is always new things to discover about those we love. You are a good mama. And the flower and bee is really sweet, too. On the way to the grocery store today I noticed little purple flowers growing by the road and a yellow butterfly flitting about. I've sure missed sights like that during this long winter. Blessings to you and yours,

Anonymous said...

I miss braiding their hair! I love having a little boy, but sometimes I itch to do some really elaborate braiding, and of course I miss my nieces (and nephew!) as well. Thanks for writing about this--loved it.
