Swing by Peggy's to share your own daybook.
Outside my window...frangipani blooming and releasing their sweet frangrance, lavendar sky as the sun breaks through the clouds
I am thinking...about our sweet friends who returned to Papua New Guinea this weekend and trying to plan for the next time we can get together
From the learning rooms...Spanish-American War, Panama Canal, Teddy Roosevelt, Sarah-math review, recognizing propaganda techniques & writing an advertisement, Benjamin-addition & subtraction with money,identifying hyperbole, Olivia-measuring weight, creating synonyms, Katherine-clothespin snap from "Slow and Steady...", hymn study-"O God, Our Help in Ages Past", Lavukaleve vocabulary review, science experiments with light and color
I am thankful for...the sun that has come out after days of rain. I enjoy the cooler days that accompany the rain, but my laundry dries better when the sun shines!
From the kitchen...we'll start the day with baked gingerbread oatmeal, enjoy egg salad sandwiches, carrot sticks, and apples for lunch, then share chili and cornbread (with brownies for dessert) with SITAG neighbors
I am wearing...blue and white floral sleeveless dress, hair in a ponytail, bracelet made from sea urchins
I am reading..."Evidence Not Seen: A Woman's Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II" by Darlene Deibler Rose (a birthday present from a dear friend)
I am hoping...that we can Skype with our families before we leave for Marulaon on Sunday
I am hearing...Integrity's "iworship: experience the sights & sounds of worship" from a thoughtful friend in Memphis
I am creating...Father's Day packages to go in the mail this week
I am praying...that my heart will be sweetly surrendered as we uproot once again and move back to Marulaon for two months
Around the house...the spare bedroom is filling up with 25 kg bags of flour, jars of spaghetti sauce, rolls of toilet paper, sacks of milk powder, etc.
One of my favorite things...the joy and vibrancy of a delightful twenty month old little girl and her quickly expanding vocabulary
A few plans for the rest of the week...finish shopping and packing for the village, preserve lots of carrots and pumpkin, invite several families over to share a meal since this will be our last chance for a while, cook gobs of granola
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

sweet Katherine who loves to help Mama with normal everyday tasks
Praying for you and your next 2 months out!!!
In a couple of weeks, it will be a year from when we came by your house just down the road from us. I remember the packing....and getting Olivia's bike, which will soon be passed onward yet again.
Ah, sweet memories...
Keep those pictures coming!!!
Love you guys!
Sweet Katherine!!! She's looking blonder!
I wish I could have enjoyed each of those meals with y'all. Sounds lovely!
Hi Joanna! Thanks for stopping by my blog, it's nice to "meet" you.
It's such a treat to read your blog, and fascinating to read about your life and the ministry to which God has called you. I will definitely bookmark you and come back for updates.
God bless you as you serve Him!
The thought of the frangipani scent wafting around on the warm tropical breezes makes me rather envious of you guys!
Will you have internet capability on Marulon? (I know, I probably spelled it wrong... sorry.)
I love reading your notes,
What a sweet picture!! My family will be praying for your family on your soon coming journey!
Thanks for visiting my blog! What a very beautiful place you live. I'm going to my map to see where it is compared to our home. I am adding your family to my missions prayer list - Bible translation is so important!!
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I had to pop over and see your daybook post. I'm praying for your upcoming adventure! God bless you indeed!
Hi Joann,
Will you have internet when you get to the village?
I know the question sounds silly, but is amazing to me we can communicate at all.
I pray you all stay healthy and joyful as you transition yet agian!
Sweet picturer.
I love the picture of your little one, so at home she seems! We are praying for the next 2 months out and hoping to catch up one more time before you head out! BTW, I loved the book you are reading!
Hugs to you my friend,
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