Saturday, October 31, 2009
Signing Off
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Simple Woman's Daybook

Another Brisbane Update
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sweet Sabbath
From our list on the fridge:

*"butuful sunshine" (from Olivia)
* fresh squeezed bush lime juice
*Elmer's gel glue

*butter on hot pumpkin bread (from Sarah)
*Mama and Daddy -because I love them- and Sarah, Benjamin, and Katherine -because they are joyful- (from Olivia)
*e-mail to communicate with a far-away husband
*ginger snaps straight from the oven
*breakfast in bed with my sweet girls
*people on the other end of care packages
*playing outside with my kids

*three pairs of brown eyes (each one unique)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Brisbane Update
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Answered Prayer
New Building

The kids and I took a tour of the new facility that so many people have helped to build. With all of the Wycliffe Associates members that have come to help and the many hard-working men from local villages the new building is almost complete!

The guys had to dig through rock to make the hole for the septic tank, but I'm glad we've got it. This means indoor bathrooms!

My three muskateers thought that the space under one of the landings would make a great place to play.

Capacity for the new building is 16 people. There are 8 bedrooms total.

This is an absolutely beautiful building, and we are so excited to watch the part it plays in furthuring Bible translation! If you are interested in helping fund this new building or the next one, visit the Wycliffe Associates catalog and scroll down to "Give the Gift of Housing for Translators". The Solomon Islands project is #3374GH3. Thanks for your help!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Water Update
SITBLP Workshop

Lots is always going on at SITAG ! In an SIBTLP (Solomon Island Bible Translation and Literacy Partnership) workshop, almost twenty independent translators are meeting with a translation consultant this week to finalize the dialogue of the story of Abraham.

The words will be paired with graphic art and printed in an effort to get parts of the scripture into people's hands before the entire Bible is translated.
Monday, October 19, 2009
This just in...
"Just confirming that water is still tight. We have been getting reasonable but intermittent supplies from SIWA [Solomon Island Water Association]. We have extra workshop participants here this week, who have all been advised to be careful with water. The new tank is installed and connected to a rainwater supply and SIWA, so it can fill from whatever is available.
"Our holding capacity is now around 5400 gallons (up 1000 with the new tank) and we have about 3800 in storage at the moment. I estimate that we are using somewhere between 1200-1500 gallons a day, so you will appreciate that we are still very dependent on good supplies from SIWA. Hopefully our usage will fall next week after the workshop. Please continue to pray for good rain..."
Simple Woman's Daybook

I am wearing...turquoise cotton pajamas
I am grandfather whose birthday is tomorrow. Happy birthday!
I am enjoy lots of company this week as we try to have each SITAG family over one more time before we leave
I am reading...Sonlight's Core 5 lesson plans. We will be starting Cores 5 & K in December and I'm trying to have all my ducks in a row before we leave for Marulaon.
I am hoping...and praying that Aaron and Benjamin have a great trip to Australia and get a good doctor's report.
On my mind...keeping an intentionally slow pace to allow room in our family for creativity, helping others, etc.
Noticing that...two year olds fill me with joy and wonder and laughter
Pondering these words... "Live simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the rest to God."~Ronald Reagan
From the kitchen...breakfast casserole and cubed papaya to start the day, tuna salad & crackers with tomato slices and the last of the carrot sticks (no more in town) for lunch, and curried lentils with gingersnaps for dessert all made by chef Olivia
Around the house...a game of Express in between hands (wondering who will win?), packing for the trip to Australia, coloring pages of MLK strung up next to excellent handwriting samples
One of my favorite things~ grateful children
Friday, October 16, 2009
Bughotu New Testament Dedication

From the translation family:
"Well, it's officially over....the dedication of the Bughotu NT!!! We are just overwhelmed at how smoothly the whole thing went and how God answered prayer. Thank you for praying!!!!
"All of our overseas guests (10) and Wycliffe friends (13) blessed us so much by putting up with the lack of comfort that comes with boat travel and village living. It meant so much to have them all with us and to experience the life we've lived for the past 12 years. No one got sick!!!
"All of the transport went off as planned and God kept us safe!...the long 18 hour ship ride there, the 2 1/2 hour motor canoe ride up to an airstrip (for some of us), the small plane ride back (for some of us), John's very scary 2 1/2 hour motor canoe ride back to the village in the dark and rain, our director's motor canoe ride back to Honiara, and the 7 hour ship ride back to Honiara (for some of us). Transport here in the Solomons often does not go as planned, so this was a miracle in itself!

"All of the 700 Bibles we had sent out to Sigana were sold within 15 minutes! About 250 Bibles that were to be sold in town were shipped out to the village yesterday so that those who were unable to purchase one at the dedication can do so.

"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right." 2 Timothy 3:16.
From a literacy family who has worked closely with the Bughotu language and attended the dedication:
"Hundreds of people came from all over the Bughotu area (representing several coastal villages on Isabel Island) to attend the dedication. They came by canoe, motor boat, and by walking. Our family arrived by ship--hot, sweaty, and exhausted after 19 hours aboard a noisy cargo boat. Two other missionary families along with several guests from the US came with us. The ship dropped us off at one village where we unloaded our stuff then took two motor boats across the bay to the place where the launching was held.

"We stayed in a local village home, and the men and women from nearby villages took turns cooking and serving all of us for four days.
"At 6:30am Sunday morning, we attended the special dedication church service for the Bughotu New Testament. The Bishop, visiting priests and village leaders led the two hour service which concluded with the blessing of the new Bibles. Later, everyone gathered outside as a procession of youth and church leaders, marching and singing, carried the boxes of Bibles to the shelter where they would be sold. After several speeches, the Bishop cut the ribbon, officially launching the Bible sales.
"How can I describe the incredible rush, the pressing of the crowds around the shelter as people eagerly held out their money (about $2 US) to purchase a Bible in their own language? All 700 copies of the Bughotu New Testaments sold out in 15 minutes! Many people left with a Bible in their hands. Others left with the promise that more would be coming later. Please pray that these Bibles will be read as eagerly as they were purchased and that God will change lives through His Word. "

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Air is trapped in the cereal much like air gets trapped in pumice when that molten rock cools quickly. Melt 1/3 cup margarine with a 10 oz. package of marshmallows. Stir in 6 1/2 cups of crispy cereal. If you teach mafic and felsic, use chocolate cereal and regular cereal. Form mixture into balls and place on waxed paper.
Sedimentary rock – layer bars
Each ingredient represents a different layer of sediment. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a 13" by 9" pan, melt 1/2 cup of margarine. Sprinkle 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs over the margarine. Pour one can of sweetened condensed milk evenly over the crumbs. Top with 1 cup chocolate chips, 1 1/3 cups coconut, and 1 cup chopped nuts. Press down firmly. Bake for 25 minutes. Cut into bars.
Metamorphic rock
Place 12 oz. of white chocolate bark and 12 oz. of chocolate chips in separate bowls. Melt each in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Pour the white chocolate onto waxed paper, then swirl in the chocolate chips. Refrigerate until hard. Break into pieces to serve.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Ending in Perfect Satisfaction

"Creativity will broaden, deepen, intensify your relationship with God. It can be your most vital, viable, examining experience resulting in wonder and worship."Ruth Vaughn
Monday, October 12, 2009
Simple Woman's Daybook

Please consider visiting Peggy who hosts this Daybook
Outside my window...dusk is falling, mosquitos are hungry
I am thinking...about this quote, "Gratitude glues to God and silence lets annoyance mount the steps and I should have kept the door shut with the thanks." and Ann's wise words.
From the learning rooms...History - finishing up WWII, Science - the micro world of rocks, Language learning - making flashcards to help us remember feminine, masculine, and neuter and listening LOTS
I am thankful for...a sweet church in Memphis who blessed us with new technology
From the kitchen...yogurt and granola parfaits for breakfast, leftovers for lunch, curried chicken with raisins & apples (an old Williams' family favorite) for supper with chef Olivia
I am wearing...denim skirt with white flowers & paisleys topstitched on it, a white sleeveless knit top, freshwater pearl & garnet earrings, barefooted and hair in a twist
I am reading..."Search for the Source" by Neil Anderson
I am catch up on e-mail soon
I am hearing...Tchaikovsky string quartets, insects humming outside, spoons stirring in the kitchen
Around the house...supper cooking on the stove (it smells great!), kids in the tub, painted rocks drying outside to help Katherine sort colors, a big box of starfruit just harvested from a tree pruned on SITAG property, language learning flashcards the kids made today
One of my favorite things...Bath & Body Works rosemary mint hand wipes
A few plans for the rest of the week...continued shopping for the village and culling everything I need from the internet before we go
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you:
no pictures on this computer yet, sorry!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Sweet Sabbath
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Leaky Pipe
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Simple Woman's Daybook
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Benjamin's Turn in the Kitchen
Coconut Creamed Fish