Friday, October 30, 2009


Part of our stuff waiting underneath the house to load the Bikoi in just a couple of hours -- things like cylinders of gas to run our fridge and stove, containers of petrol (gasoline to those of you back in the States) in case we need to rent a motor canoe, rat and insect proof buckets of flour, rolls and rolls of toilet paper, lots of new school books, & many jars of tomato paste.
We'll load our stuff on the Bikoi this afternoon and load ourselves early in the morning. Our boat leaves about 5 p.m. CST Saturday night. We're so thankful for your prayers as we make the adjustment back to Marulaon again.

1 comment:

Nahna said...

I am in the same house for 29 years after moving untold times before that. I always disliked moving, so I stay here...for now. It makes me sad to think that you all do this over and over again, but that is life for you now. So I pray...lots and lots.

We love you all so.