Last night, I was reading "Little Town on the Prairie" with Olivia as we snuggled on her bed. The chapter finished with this quote, and I thought Laura's words beautifully summed up the way I felt about the day.
"The day was ending in perfect satisfaction. They were all there together. All the work, except the supper dishes, was done until tomorrow. They were all enjoying good bread and butter, fried potatoes, cottage cheese, and lettuce leaves sprinkled with vinegar and sugar. Beyond the open door and window the prairie was dusky but the sky was still pale, with the first stars beginning to quiver in it."

Here's the Choate version:
"The day was ending in perfect satisfaction. They were all there together. Autumn leaf crafts hung in the window while the smell of decaf Maple Nut coffee from the Kitchen Store (in Conway, AR) wafted through the air. Aaron read from "The Wizard of Oz" while everyone enjoyed the crusty apple brownies that Sarah had made. Kids quickly brushed their teeth and jumped into bed to read and snuggle for a few minutes before Joanna turned off the lights. And very soon, the whole household lay in the dark listening to the much needed rain singing as it poured into the rain tanks."

"Creativity will broaden, deepen, intensify your relationship with God. It can be your most vital, viable, examining experience resulting in wonder and worship."Ruth Vaughn
Beautiful! It's so nice that you brought Fall to the islands! :o)
I LOVE the Kitchen Store in Conway! I also love your writing. Have a wonderful ?night/day...
I love the end to a perfect family day for the Choates... wish ours would have ended as perfectly.
Gayly for our crew
Oh, that's lovely :0)
I'm reading through the Little House books with my three, and even the boys notice how she appreciates the simple (and grand) beauty around her.
Love your fall decorations!
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