Friday, August 7, 2015

Super Sunday

Last Sunday, we were excited to share about Bible translation with two churches here in Arkansas.  Sunday morning, we spoke to a new-to-us church and met lots of great people.

After church, we drove to my cousins' home - four siblings who keep house together and opened their home for a delicious lunch and a lovely afternoon.

Their beautiful collection of garden spiders in the bushes around the porch astounded me!

Ultimate Frisbee took the place of a Sunday afternoon nap.

And technical difficulties didn't keep my amazing husband from updating the church we attended Sunday night.  This church has been a rock of support for our family from the very beginning.

My cousin even saved the day by loaning Olivia a pair of jeans since Olivia ran off without her "uniform" for the evening. 
The sun was setting as we gave our last goodbye hugs.  I'm so thankful that I'm related to some of my favorite people!

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